Art Fights

Art Fight is an annual art trading game hosted at that lasts one month.

These pieces were made with
Kid Pix Deluxe 4, Clip Studio Paint,
MediBang Paint Pro, and MS Paint.
If you want to attack me next time Art Fight happens, you can find my profile HERE!
(Link will only work if you have an account)

Recent Art

2023 Art

Art Fight 2023

Sketchbook 2021 - 2023

Sketchbook from 9/28/2021 to 4/24/2023.
Posted on my Patreon.
Here's a sneak peak:

Huevember 2022

Huevember is a challenge to create art pieces based on the colors, patterns, and words provided during the month of November.Avafaid created this Huevemeber challenge.

The following is the ten art pieces I made for Avafaid's Huevember 2022.

These pieces were mostly made with
paint markers, but some also include
acrylic paint, two glitter pens, a white pen, ink, paper, and tape.
This challenge was originally posted HERE!

2022 Art

Art Fight 2022

2021 Art

Art Fight 2021

2020 Art

Art Fight 2020